Saturday, August 16, 2008

An Update for Rachel

Okay, so it's been a while - I know, I know. You probably think that I've been hiding away reading all the Stephanie Meyer books - NOPE - in fact, I got so bored of the second one half way through that I never picked it up again and moved forward with my life. I know hate me. I also hate The Work and The Glory series. I know, I'm already on the welcoming committee to hell. I do love any books by Rachel Ann Nunes, so don't fret, I do read.

So what's new. Ahhh - so many things:

Our friends the Rachel and Dan came over and played some fun games with us. We got to playing this game:

and Aaron couldn't stop. He loves it. My kids love it too. They can't stop saying "Neverrrr trust a pirate." It has been so long since we had hung out with them, and it was a total BLAST! Thanks guys! Have your peeps call my peeps and we should do it again!

We had a swim party at my uncle's house and for some strange reason, he decided to get chickens, a duck, and a turkey. The older girls didn't care for them, but Tiffany LOVED them.
She kept barking at them. I love this stage when they recognize that something is an animal, and they bark at it. I can't wait for it to cool down a smidge more so that I can take her to the zoo.
Okay - who swims with a duck in the pool?!

While I'm on the Tiffany subject. I was in the other room folding laundry when I kept hearing her giggle. I went to peak on her in the living room and this is what I found:

She discovered how to open the diaper wipes lid and pull them out. Joy. She also learned that the diaper wipe case is a perfect stepping stool to get up on the couch.

Such innocence.
Aaron and Elle went camping and fishing with his brothers, nephews, and father a week ago. I sent up the camera, but Aaron said, and I quote "I didn't know you wanted me to take pictures with it". What?! Does he think that he is the Survivor Man on the Discover Channel and may need it use it to create a fire or scare off bears? OYE VEY! So here is a picture of what she would have looked like fishing:

Just add read hair, a few freckles, and some missing teeth.

While they were out camping. Ashlee, Tiffany, and I decided to do a girls night out. Rachel, Emma, and Briar joined us on our night on the town. We went to Build a Bear and had a blast and broke the bank. Ouch! Ashlee was in heaven. She got the High School Musical bear and named it Sharpay. Rachel "claimed" that she was helping Briar, but deep down, I think she is got it for herself. (Admit it Rach - you know you are sleeping with it).

Totally worth it at the end of the night!

SCHOOL STARTED!!! Hip Hip Hur-freaking-ray!! Ahhh, the joys of school back in session. Although Tiffany really misses them, and cried by the door for "Lee Lee" it sure is nice to only tote one child to the store when grocery shopping. They just completed their first week, and so far they love it!

Shout out to Sis. Holladay. She had her kiddos hold up fingers for which grade they were in, so I stole the idea and have done it with my kiddos every year.
That's about it in our boring lives. Total side note and change of conversation, but can I tell you how much I love Hobby Lobby. We had one in Texas, and I have been in withdrawal ever since I moved. Now that one opened on Greenfield and Baseline, I'm there weekly. I know, I should get professional help, but I would rather spend the money at Hobby Lobby.

Also, FYI, if you have blogging questions - here is a great site to help you
They walk you step by step and help you out.

Okay - I'm off to go work on my Young Women's reports for my meeting tomorrow. I know, you are totally jealous, but I'm sorry, you just have to get over it. Thanks to the ever so caffeinated QT drink I've had tonight, I'm going to be up and rolling for hours. Yippee!!


Becca said...

i'm so glad you are back to blogging! Missed ya:-) I found Justin a Pre-K that we are trying to get him into that is M-F from 8:30-3:00 every day. Lets cross our fingers he get excepted and I get my sanity back!!

Jessica said...

Sorry we bailed yet again for games on Saturday...One of these days we will get together and eat TONS of snacks and play fun games - thanks for demanding that I stay home from church. It has been a crazy road, I ready for the uphill climb! - J

Rach =o) said...

WELL IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!!! Fun post. So I'm feeling the need for a pirates dice rematch. Tell Elle and Ash IT IS ON!!!!

Elissa said...

Hi! I'm really glad you found me! We really should get together sometime. OK, so that pirate dice game sounds really fun. Brian would love that. He totally thinks he's a pirate. haha

evans5 said...

I can't believe how big the girls are getting. Elle in third grade and Ashley in 1st. Time has really flown by. Tiffany is getting so big too. I am glad you guys are doing well. I enjoy reading about you guys. Love Ya!