Sunday, October 5, 2008

Busy Tonight?!

Hey Breann - I got your message about you being in town. Guess who else is in town:

A coincidence - I think not!!

**For you feeling left out of the loop - here's the story - I won through KNIX tickets to go see Josh Gracin at the Ostrich Festival last year - I think it was like April 2007ish. Anywho - when I called Breann she thought I said Josh Grobin - close - but no cigar. She came with me anyways since we got to meet him. Yeah. While waiting in line "backstage" we could see him yelling at someone in the tour bus - they quickly closed the blinds - and then a band member came out swearing and mad about something. Then when he finally came out to meet and great - he had this weird rehearsed smile - totally fake - and was really in a "whatever" kind a mood. I guess we were all burdens to him (hello - guess who buys your crap - the fans - so suck it up and play nice). Anywho - it was such a crappy event that we left the concert - before he went on stage - got us a fried pickle, funnel cake and went home. I did get his autograph - maybe one day I can sell it on ebay for $20.

***Currently having computer problems - don't want to wake hubby - will post pic of Breann and my prego little self with Josh "crabby attitude" Gracin when hubby wakes up****


Browne Towne said...

Love how you slide in the prego comment!!! So subtle!!!

Sarah said...

I was 19 or so weeks prego with Tiffany when we took the picture - however - I look like I'm 42 weeks. It was bad - so swollen!!

Still working on Aaron getting the picture to

Becca said...

I would have enjoyed Gosh Groben much better!

Lorena said...

You have the funnest experiences. Not him being a jerk, but winning all these crazy contests and getting to meet people. I hope all is going well for you. You mentioned some heavy stuff a while back. So just know I'm thinking about you.

natalie and jeremy belnap said...

Hey, We are going private on our blog... so please leave me your email if you wish to be invited!

The Earls said...

Did I miss a blog? Are you prego? Congrats! But not so congrats on your recent dances with the porcelain king.