Last night we (Tiffany Browne and I) went to see the little one and spend some time with her. She is eating like a pig and growing like a weed. They moved her to a not so high risk nursery of the NICU. It's less crowded and they have a rocking chair that I can sit in and hold her. She is eating just over a half an ounce every three hours, and they are increasing those feedings. She also weighs 2lbs 15 oz, so hopefully by our visit tonight she will be a 3 pounder!!!
Last night she was so awake and alert. She visited with us for over an hour and just was so awake. She looks more and more like her sister Elle did when she was a baby - just smaller. She has a heart murmur called a PDA - where basically there is a blood vessel in her heart that closes in normal babies before they are born. In preemies they have to go in and close it either by medication or surgery. She has a echo-cardiogram I think scheduled for tomorrow to see if it is closing on its own.
My friend Tiffany Browne leaves tomorrow back to Maryland, Washington DC area. She has been so helpful this whole week. I've basically had a personal chef and house cleaner. My family didn't know that other meals for dinner besides cheese quesadillas and mac and cheese.
Her little 8 month old Gerrit has been so fun to have around. He seems so huge. Ashlee and Elle have had fun with both Tiffany and Gerrit and I know tomorrow Ashlee is going to be sad for most of the day because she will miss them.
Thanks for all the emails and prayers for our family - they have been very appreciated.
Love- Sarah
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