Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I have a new respect for this Huggies commercial.


Becca said...

I always place a tissue over his weenie when I changed the boys. It does get better around a month old though! I'd much rather deal with that than cleaning out "crevices" (sp?)

Janet said...

It's seriously different with boys isn't it?! :)

Jessica said...

HA! That is awesome. I guess I will experience that here pretty soon!! :)

Chad, Mindy and girls said...

LOL, so funny!! If I ever have a boy, I'll need some advice on how to deal with this. Maybe you should try those "pee-pee tee-pees"...I hear they work in situations like this :0)

Hermana McKenna Pitts said...

My mom about died laughing the first time that happened to me. I was in total shock. You quickly learn to "cover up" the offending appendage.