Wednesday, March 11, 2009


So, my Granny asked me to get some photos together for her digital picture frame she got for Christmas. So I have been spending the morning gathering photos from my collection, scanning them in, and getting them ready. I also, have been "borrowing" photos off of family member's blogs and face book accounts - Sorry if this makes you mad - it's for Granny - get over it - don't put them on the web if you are so sensitive.

Ehm - back to me.

So in all of my findings I came across a few photos that I laughed at and thought I would share.

Aaron home from Iraq

Bro's, Sister, and dog sometime my Senior year.

Matching dresses and possessed sister

Clowning around.

Anywho - quick update on me - man this post is all about me apparently - I am starting to go down that all familiar path of pre-eclampsia. Joy. At least the docs have the heads up this time so we can try to keep it under control. My feet are fat and purple and my hands are starting to puff up - but not as quickly or as bad as last time. Cross your fingers, make a wish, and pray that my body chills out and allows me to go another 6 weeks - at least.

p.s. Tiffany is still pooping. I miss the consto days. 6 smelly poopy diapers a day is killing me - seriously - hazardous waste zone.


Becca said...

One of these days I'm gonna scan some pics in from HS. I have this fancy shmancy printer/scanner and i need to use it and then put it on facebook of people...good luck crossing your legs for 6 more weeks

Janet said...

I loved the pictures. I'm sorry that you're having a little trouble. Please let us know if there is anything we can do, rides to/from school for the kiddos--anything! ~Janet