What are you doing?
What are you doing August 11th?Ashlee, Elle, and I are going to:
I know, you're jealous.I really deserve the Mother of the Year Award.(I am totally going to hold these tickets over their head all summer long - they will have to be on their best behavior.)+++++++++++++++++++++++
Side note - apparently my body is sick of renting out space to my little man. It is trying to evict him using all means necessary - minus opening the floodgates - if you wouldn't mind just giving me a little shout out in your prayers it would be greatly appreciated. Little man needs to continue to rent space for at least another 4 weeks. Thanks.
Isn't it amazing how different each person's pregnancy is? My babies don't want out. They had to force Kennedy out 6 days after her due date. I'll keep you in my prayers. Let me know if you need anything.
If I lived by you, I would TOTALLY go with you...Carli LOVES the Jonas Brothers! You are a good mom :) We'll keep you in our prayers and hope that he will postpone his debut for another four weeks.
Hallie would love to go!!!! your such a great Mom how fun for your girls...
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