Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I want to complain. I want to scream. I want all the hard stuff to go away. But then I see what others are going through and I end up shutting my mouth and try my best to get through my problems with no complaints

I want to complain about the hell this pregnancy has been. Then I see a dear friend whom went through 9 months of pregnancy and ended up losing her baby before it was born. It breaks my heart. At least I can feel little man push my ribs and wiggle around, as uncomfortable as it may be. I am sure she would do anything to be as uncomfortable and tired as I am to have her sweet baby back.

I want to complain about my back pain. The fact that a piece of my tailbone is chipped off, and the pain meds are doing jack squat. Then I see another friend who is in his own personal hell of Valley Fever and Meningitis. His pain must be unbearable. I have no room to complain. At least I'm not stuck in the hospital hooked up to several IV's trying to get through each hour of each day.

I want to complain so bad, but I have no reason to. I HATE THAT!!!! Okay, so yes the percocet makes me super grouchy, and yes I have no patience left due to the fact I haven't slept and I'm in super pain, but when I see those around me, I can't complain. That sucks.

1 comment:

Chad, Mindy and girls said...

Everyone's given their own challenges. You are only given what you can handle...you can handle this. Hang in there!