The only thing I wish I would have done different was to bring ear plugs. We were so stinkin close that my ears still have that static background noise in them, and I feel like I am holding a cup over each ear. I guess I'm getting old. I sat next to an old woman on the 6th row who got mad each time I sang along or took pictures, so I decided to cheat and move to another area. It was really fun. The best part about concerts is watching all the fans. How the dress, who they are with, and them thinking they are the bomb. I love white trash.
I want to show all the fun pictures of camp - but I don't want any parents mad at me, so I'm going to display this.
We were the Greeks. The theme was My Time and each ward took a different time period. We were Ancient Greece. I had made head wreaths and togas for all the girls and leaders, and we decorated our cabins with columns and greenery. It was really fun. On Monday, the girls were off doing a high adventure activity - I left early so that I could set up some stuff for later. I thought noticed something moving down the mountain, but just figured it was my hair blowing in my eyes. WRONG - it was a 6 foot snake making its way down past our ramada. I screemed for the other leader to bring her camera, but she was already in the bathroom. I then ran and got her camera and got some pictures and video since I knew no one would believe me. When she gets me those pics I will post them. It was really neat. I also got to see a skunk when I was cooking breakfast and a ton of squirls. I hope the girls had fun, I sure did.
Now that almost all the madness is over, I'm not going to know what to do with my life. I just have Tiffany's birthday party this Saturday, and then the following Saturday a March of Dimes event. Watch the Phoenix Mercury game on the 16th, it will be nationally televised on ABC starting at 12:30 Arizona time. You will see us getting some recognition for our fundraising efforts. HURRAY!!!
Okay - I'm off to unpack and clean everything up. I think Aaron survived, hopefully. He had to go back to work today, and I think he was really looking forward to getting back to the office and playing games. Bishop told me that it was fun to watch him at church with the three girls. Tiffany was climbing all over him, and the other two were fighting. I'm so proud.
Sounds like a good time at both big events. It has been cool to be able to keep track of Tiffany and see how she progresses. I'll be in Mesa again sometime this summer.
Amber gave Laura a ward cookbook and I was looking through it and saw clown jello. I knew it had to be your recipe. I love that stuff.
Yay for Kenny and that you got to go and finally get it out of your system. And I'm so happy for you that girls camp is finally over, sounds like you had a lot of fun!
Ok- so seriously...CALL ME BACK :-)
I've waited till your craziness was over to harass you...Am I still welcome this summer? BTW...i'm totally jealous about the kenny concert!
Hey there. I got your address off Becca Boyles' I mean Kern's blog. Did you know that we had babies exactly one month apart from each other! I am glad that your baby is doing well and it seems like life is keeping you busy and happy. Congrats on everything!
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