Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Scoop

So here is the story......
There is a nasty 24 hour flu like bug going around town. It seems to only attack adults and it make you double over in pain super ill. Trust me, it's not something you really want to enjoy.
Wednesday morning, while I was about to leave work, I noticed the contractions I were having were getting stronger. No big deal. Been there done that. So I came home, did a little cleaning, and then tried to get some sleep. Usually the contractions end during my sleep. Not this time. They kept me up. So as I watched the clock to time their distance.
When morning finally came, I told Aaron that I had had contractions all night and that they were different from the ones before. He really didn't care because he was sick. He got that nasty 24 hour bug. Aaron NEVER gets sick, and when he does, it's like the end of the world. Then again, isn't it like that with all men?! I told him to stay home from work, and he just rolled his eyes at me. Heavens forbid that work actually functions a day without him. Whatever.
So I got up and started to go about my day as normal. Then I started to feel sick. Dang it. I was getting the same stupid symptoms of that 24 hour bug from hell, plus I was having contractions. Not the best combination. So I tried my best to hold out and just try to get through the day. I finally called Aaron and told him it was time for him to come home and take me to the hospital, and I quote "Can't you find someone to watch Tiffany and then you just drive yourself?" Really?! I then told him that it wasn't possible and that he needed to leave work and come home.
2 hours later...
Aaron arrives home and is upset that I'm at the door waiting to go. I told him that I was going to wait until the girls got home, since it was only like 30 more minutes and that my sister Julia was on her way to watch the girls while we went to the hospital. He was upset that I made him leave work and that I wasn't in the car waiting for his arrival. So he went and laid down. I had to cut him some slack, because he is sick, and bla bla bla.
So finally we head off to the hospital.
We get there just after 2pm.
I told them the scoop.
Aaron was doubled over dying in the corner.
I got an IV.
Aaron was still dying.
I was told that I was going to have a baby at 4pm.
Aaron wasn't thrilled, but began to make calls to everyone.
I began to pray and demanded that he would be made well. Through this whole pregnancy I have gained such a testimony of prayer, and this was the first time in my life that I have ever spoken to the Lord and demanded something.

Aaron was no longer sick and was able to get ready.
So they began to give me the meds needed for a c-section and had me drink this stuff that is suppose to settle your was worse the second time around. I guess it didn't do it's job. I had this issue through the whole c-section. Not the best of memories.
After a few minutes of slice and dice, I see Aaron stand up, take some pics, the doc say "It's a healthy baby boy...and he's peeing on you...good job buddy."
He then cried, Aaron that is. He finally had his son. The brought him over for me to see him. Then whisked him away for cleaning.
Hurray it was over. I finally could close the chapter of pregnancies from hell at 4:29pm. He was here, I was done, and my tubes were tied. Hallelujah!!


David and Stacey said...

you tied your tubes?

David and Stacey said...
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David and Stacey said...
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Lorena said...

Wow, I can't believe all of the things that you have to go through to bring a new baby into your family! Your kids are going to be awesome people, that will be God's reward for all of this pain!

PS-We all have a dorky husband story, we need something to hold over their heads!

Jaime said...

What a story!! Congrats, he is very cute!!

Becca said...

Seriously if I was there I would have taken you to the hospital again and he could have showed up whenever he felt like ya and thanks for the story!

Stephanie said...

Wow, he's a pain in the butt! But I'm glad your boy is finally here, and he is so beautiful. Thanks for letting me enjoy him too! Congrats!